New Kong Film Sets Standard For The Modern Blockbuster

Hollywood blockbusters come and go, but every once in a while there is a massive action flick that truly makes a mark in cinema. There are plenty of reasons to believe why “Kong: Skull Island” made its mark at the multiplex as the next big thing in Hollywood blockbusters. Often the issue with modern blockbusters is … More New Kong Film Sets Standard For The Modern Blockbuster

“Logan” Shows Simplicity, Precision

It has been seventeen years since the original “X-Men” movie, which can largely be attributed with starting the fire of the comic book craze in cinema. With each new adventure, it seems that the action becomes larger and screens become crowded. Now that we have arrived at Hugh Jackman’s final performance as Wolverine, we are reminded … More “Logan” Shows Simplicity, Precision

Why “Manchester By The Sea” Did Not Deserve the Oscar for Screenwriting

At the 89th annual Academy Awards, Manchester By The Sea brought home the gold for Best Original Screenplay. While the film is successful on several levels, it did not deserve the Oscar for screenwriting. This certainly is not a popular take. The film is loved by many. It is considered to be a great story … More Why “Manchester By The Sea” Did Not Deserve the Oscar for Screenwriting